Thursday 14 June 2007

Seriously Art

Yes, I have finally started my food blog, under the encouragement of my hubby since I love to cook and bake so much, and I enjoy good food. Eversince my maternity leave, I have been wanting to do something else, and now that I am going back to work(part-time) I thought I should start this.

I think the word "vegetarian" is often misunderstood and misintepreted. I hope to qwell the notion that "vegetarian" food equates boring, not tasty, eating only "grass" and inadequate to provide one with all the nutrients the body needs.

So what's this blog gonna be like? My aim is to help those busy moms out there, as well as any busy individual who wants a quick, relatively simple recipe to follow, and one that is wholesome, nutritious yet tasty at the same time! So expect recipes, food tips and anything related to food to be served, as Art On A Plate.

Before any of you start to think I have much time on my hands, I don't. So I try to find time-saving methods yet maintaining the taste of the dish and my sanity *haha* And if I do fall back on my updates sometimes, a thousand apologies.

One day, I hope to enrol into Le Cordon Vert and achieve as much as Jaime Oliver has, or even more.

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